Ру Ўз O'z

News and announcements

1 June 2021

Consumer alcohol is announced that trade has begun to legal and physical organizations that have been all licenses and certificates during the Uzbek Communder Commission.  

"Biokimyo" JSC From June 1, of June 1 this year
Consumer alcohol is announced that trade has begun to legal and physical organizations that have been all licenses and certificates during the Uzbek Communder Commission.


For information:


Bekmurodov Bekzod Sobirovich

Telephone number; 97-424-00-25

Worker number; 93-381-11-61

"Biokimyo" A.J.

The head of the internal and external cooling department

Alikulov Rustam

Telephone number; 97-742-79-27

Worker number; 95-515-40-30

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