Ру Ўз O'z

On the Decree of the production of alcohol and tobacco production of Alcohol and regulatory system of Alcohol and regulations of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan «Conscription of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2019," consumer and technical ethyl alcohol, Alcohol Products Procedure for the licensing of the production of alcohol) Bani and S. According to the 707 Chapter 2, the equation is equipped with automated tracking system (GPS) in real time.
In order to ensure the implementation of the rules of "Biochemistry" JSC, the ethyl alcohol from 1 July of this year will notify the average of the automated tracking system (GPS).


JSC "Biochemistry"

"Biokimyo" JSC From June 1, of June 1 this year
Consumer alcohol is announced that trade has begun to legal and physical organizations that have been all licenses and certificates during the Uzbek Communder Commission.


For information:


Bekmurodov Bekzod Sobirovich

Telephone number; 97-424-00-25

Worker number; 93-381-11-61

"Biokimyo" A.J.

The head of the internal and external cooling department

Inogamdjanov Timur Ozodovich

Telephone number; 97-131-05-74

Worker number; 95-515-40-30

To purchase the following goods through the stock exchange, click on the link:

Technical alcohol - https://uzex.uz/trade/offer/45433

Food Alpha Food Alcohol- https://uzex.uz/trade/offer/45284

Food alcohol - "Lux" - https://uzex.uz/trade/offer/45285

Liquid barda -  https://uzex.uz/trade/offer/18521

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