Ру Ўз O'z

News and announcements

17 October 2018


To the attention of the shareholders of JSC "BIOKIMYO"!

Instead of the general meeting that failed on October 9, 2018

JSC "BIOKIMYO" announces the holding of a second extraordinary general meeting of shareholders on October 26, 2018 at 10: 00 am

 in the great hall of the administrative building  



Address: 1 Kimegar Street, Yangiyul City.


Issues on the agenda:


Approval of the regulations of the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders of JSC "BIOKIMYO".
Approval of the new version of the " Regulations on remuneration of Members of the Supervisory Board, the Audit Commission and bonuses for members of the Executive Body of JSC "BIOKIMYO".
Re-election of the candidate to the Supervisory Board of JSC "BIOKIMYO".
Registration of shareholders begins at 9: 00 a.m. on October 26, 2018.

To register, you must present an identity document (passport), and a notarized power of attorney is required for the shareholder's representative.

Materials and information related to the general meeting of shareholders can be found on the company's website www.biokimyo.uz, can be accessed at.Yangiyul, Kimegar str., house 1, tel.: (370) 602-43-97 and by e-mail yangiyolbiokimyo@vinsanoat.uz, biokimyo@mail.ru.


At the meeting of the Supervisory Board on September 15, 2018, it was decided to form the register of shareholders:


The date of formation of the register for notification of the extraordinary general meeting is September 15, 2018.


The date of formation of the register of shareholders for participation in the extraordinary general meeting is October 3, 2018.



Supervisory Board

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